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Unlimited Ultrasound and Clinical Photo Storage with Easy Access: (back)

Anyone using an ultrasound machine knows from experience the cost of printing all of the images from just one patient's visit.  And because the image files saved for many patients are so large, they eventually  become even too large to store on the ultrasound machine itself.  This requires additional time and cost for staff members to transfer all images to external data storage units or backup systems in the office.  VeinSpec has developed a method to compress and move all the DICOM images from ultrasound machine directly into the VeinSpec system, saving each patient ultrasound study as a single file in the patient's medical record.  No more unnecessary printing of pictures or external backups.  To view the collection of images, the user simply clicks on the file and scrolls through the images. In cases that you may need to print images for pre-authorizations, the user simply clicks on the selected file and prints to their local printer.  

In addition to ultrasound images, any (digital) clinical photos can be saved and stored the same way.  Photos can be uploaded to a patient's record with just a few mouse clicks, and easily accessed and/or printed thereafter.